Numerous bartending schools can be found throughout Florida, but that doesn’t mean they are all created equal. If you are looking for bartending training in Fort Myers, then you should find a school that offers more than just a short commute. You should find a course that offers exceptional hands-on training.

Pouring drinks for a few friends in your kitchen and pouring drinks for potentially hundreds of people in a single evening are very different things. You might already have a few skills that are desirable in the bartending business such as excellent customer service skills and the ability to stay on your feet for hours on end. However, being a bartender differs greatly from any other customer service position out there. In order to be successful in the industry, you need to develop key skills that can get you ready for the ever-changing bartending scene.

You likely will not be thrown into the deep end on your first day of bartending training. Several concepts will need to be reviewed in a private setting so that you can learn how to properly mix certain drinks and use devices related to Point of Sale tech. However, once you have the basics down, you’ll need to implement them. A good bartending school is one that gives students classroom training as well as real world experience.

A hands-on approach is only part of it though. When picking a school, you should choose one that offers smaller class sizes. With this, you and your classmates will be running a bar while an instructor observes you. If the class size is too large, then the instructor might not be able to give everyone an ample amount of attention. With fewer students to look over, you will get personalized notes on what you can do better, which is great in the long run.

Hands-on bartending training in Fort Myers is precisely what you get at Elite Bartending School. Contact us if you would like more information. You can also register for classes online.